Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I really do like to travel. Honest. But I hate traveling for business. I am forced to join the ranks of a breed of human so contemptible, I find it hard not to spit on them...they are the BUSINESS DUDES. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. No one cares that you have a Blackberry. No one cares if Janet screwed up the TPS reports. No one cares that Jim is meeting you for racquet ball after the meeting. No one likes your shoes. Your kids don't care that you will be home on Friday so be good for Mommy. Mommy hates you and has been poisoning them against your never-at-home ass. And if you travel so much, how come you never remember to take the $3billion worth of nickels out of your pocket? And never remember to take off your coat or take out your stoopid laptop until the poor man at the security reminds you? And why do you have to be so mean to him anyway? Not his fault you are a prick. And when you travel with your female co-workers, slow the hell down. She has to wear those heels so you have to look her in the eye, the least you could do is not force her to run. Asshole. I hate you.


Blogger AAM said...

ahhh, I am reminded of the cocknocker in a suit on one of our flights who would not get off his cel phone so the plane could not take off. The stewardess threatened him with being kicked off the plane, he took his time, but finally hung up. Thank god he got to finish his call, else all business as we know it today would have crumbled, I'm sure. Cocknocker.

3/08/2006 11:43:00 a.m.  
Blogger Richmond said...

At the casino players weren't allowed to be on their phones at the tables. Most of the time, all you had to say was, "sir, could you please step away from the table with that?" But we'd still get Mr. Dickweed M. Suitsberger impatiently waving us away the first time, then giving us an annoyed, "don't worry about it," the second time. And threatening the security guard who's dragging him away the third time.

Is it wrong (or gay) that I used to love watching the security guards rough people up?

3/10/2006 03:13:00 p.m.  

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