Saturday, March 18, 2006

City Livin'

My Fabulous boss was in town this week and despite the VIOLENT flu I had at the beginning of the week, I managed to feel better in time to take him out on Thursday night. As he is Fabulous and knows other Fabulous folks in Van, I don't usually have to (or get to, depending how annoyed with him I am) "entertain" him when he is here. But, as I have abandoned my postion forcing him to actually do his job and hire someone, I asked for an evening of his time to show him my city.
I love my soon-to-be adopted city, but at the moment, my Seattle experiences are limited to time spent with my excellent friends and their hangouts. Which rock. But, I don't have the insider info yet. I don't know secrets about it yet. But I will damnit! However, Van, I got. I know it. I know secrets. Even not so secret secrets.
When I first hooked up with equally excellent "gang" (16 days to Magic Time incidently), we had a little routine. We would drive out to UBC and rescue Stevo from his upsetting dorm room and venture downtown. We would go to Stephos, stand in line for 45 mins or so, killing ourselves with our wit and scandlous talk, have an amazing greek meal, ogle hot waiters, then walk over to Robson and chill and go to HMV to exchange old cd's. We are older now and cooler and know better things to do so we haven't done that tour for a long, long time (well, HMV changed it's return policy anyway so it could never be the same).
BUT...when I was thinking of what to do with Andrew, who is perpetually on a "lose those last fill-in-the-blank pounds" diet, I decided what he really needed was shite loads of carbs, hence, greek!
And his hotel was on Robson. So we parked there and walked over and stood in line, killed ourselves with our wit and scandolous converstation, had an amazing greek meal, ogled hot waiters, then walked back over to Robson and, well, I stood in the cold while he smoked, but all in all, fairly similar. And the best part of all, besides work gossip and cocktails, it cost $45. And we drank. And had appies. FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS!!! Where else can that happen?!?! I love you Stepho, who ever you are. And I love Vancouver. But, I am ready for a long-distance relationship with it. I am good at those.
What I don't know is, is it weird that my boss knows my bra size now?


Blogger Richmond said...

No, my boss knows my bra size too.

You seem to have a gift for tailoring the Vancouver experience to a neophyte visitor. A fine Italian meal, some great bookstores and comic, now I miss Van.

And you.

3/19/2006 11:47:00 a.m.  
Blogger Christian said...

I think certain folk need to take Shelly to a Greek Restaurant in Seattle when she comes down. That one in Fremont comes to mind. Gosh is it good. And still has Athens2004 memorabilia to boot.

So is it just me, or do everyone else's eyes freak out and have "negative burn in" when they go from reading Shelly's blog to the Comment section? Almost makes me dizzy.

I think I'll do it again.

3/20/2006 03:26:00 p.m.  

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