Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I am in sunny CA. And by sunny, I mean liquifyingly hot. I honour and admire all those who can get it up for the 900th sunny day in a row...but I don't think I could ever live here. Having tons of fun though...
Because of the acursed internet, despite being out of town, I am still in touch with the world. And by world I mean my sucky 10th reunion committee. And it is shaping up to be a doozy. It is slated to be at a slightly skeezy bar in Steveston. Woot. And another event at the school. Oy.
But, I got a message today on facebook asking me to give the speech I gave at grad again with some updates, for the school event. And I don't know what to do.
Our school had three speakers at our grad who were elected by the student body...one was the "Spirit Speaker" who talked about school events and trips and clubs, "Valedictorian" who talked about the future and the inspiring crap, and the "Class Historian" who was supposed to gently poke fun at all the antics the class had gotten up to over the years.

I was said CH. And my speech destrpyed the universe. Well, not quite the universe, but it did cause a stir. Most people liked it. The people who didn't stopped talking to me. There were meetings with the school admin and parents. Teachers were divided in the staffroom into supporting me and supporting the butt of many of the jokes, the class president, who we will call Pigeon.
It was my job to tease people from all walks of the school life...to include all...not just my own friends and teachers...which I did. But some took it badly. Like vowing to never talk to me again badly. Admittedly, they probably did get over it. But still...it tainted a fun night. I got a standing ovation. And then ignored and hated.
Whatever. Fuck 'em. I'm doing it. I don't care. If they can't take a joke...well, I won't be surprised.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me, it'll be the only fun thing you'll remember from the reunion. Wish I could,ve done it at mine!!!

5/10/2007 08:11:00 p.m.  

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