Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Crazy Old Tax

Ugh...I have been busy...So, sorry to both people who read this. And thank you for your B-Day wishes. I am officially closer to 30 than to 23. Meh. Don't really care all that much one way or the other. Apparently, I am not allowed to have age crisis. Which, as I was born at age 47, is fine by me. Incident's, I just noticed I SPELLED MY OWN BLOG WRONG! I am so ashamed.
Alright, I heard this on the radio this morning, and rather than research it, I decided to be outraged and ill-informed. It's my birthday, I'm allowed.
The Canadian government issued a formal apology to "victims" (CBC's wording, not mine) of a $500 head tax on Chinese immigrants who immigrated to Canada after the First World War (which ended oh, about 88 years ago). Making all the "victim" well into their Golden years. Families of these "victims" are glad about the apology but many want retribution. For $500. To move here. And live here. Which they did. And are doing (when they aren't dropping like flies due to their advanced years).
That is, as my biggest crush outside my Husband would say (Penn, not Teller), BULLSHIT. FIRST OF ALL...There are no victims here...Native Americans=victims, African American slaves=victims, holocaust surivors=victims...Chinese people who paid to enter a country where they were allowed to live? Not so much. I mean, yes, of course they were treated horribly when they got here. But, what immigrant wasn't treated badly in the earlier part of the 20th century??
One of the families of these "head tax surviors" thought the Canadian government ought to pay reparations...m'kay...Here is your $500 bucks, and please enjoy China.
Argh. Canada, my home and native land, makes me tired.


Blogger AAM said...

So, it's like going to a restaraunt and demanding money back for a meal your grandparents ate, ATE, mind you, didn't send back cuz it was bad or something and asking for a free happy meal while you're there?
Quite a racket.

4/06/2006 10:22:00 a.m.  
Blogger Scott said...

how about 500 pinches from a cute canadian lass, or laddie??? I'd be prepared for those types of reparations if you know what I mean.

And with that, I'mmmmmmmmmm

turning japanese, I think I'm turning japanese I really think so.

Oh wait, it was the chinese huh?

Um. I'll get back to you on that one.

4/16/2006 06:54:00 p.m.  

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